In summer of 2018 I successfully completed my three year apprenticeship with the examination as a state-certified dietitian at Deutsches – Erwachsenen – Bildungswerk DEB in Erlangen.

In the first half of 2019, I completed a further training as a medically certified fasting facilitator according to Buchinger / Lützner at Deutsche Fastenakademie and have been working on an self-employed basis since the beginning of 2020.


I completed my practical training within the apprenticeship in the Krankenhaus für Naturheilweisen in Munich, the Uniklinikum Erlangen, the Diakonie in Erlangen and the Rehaklinik Passauer Wolf in Bad Gögging. Since January 2020, I am certified by the German Association of Dieticians (VDD, Deutscher Bundesverband e.V.) and thus fulfil the provider qualifications of the health insurance companies.


Since my early childhood I have been confronted with the symptoms, treatment and health consequences of rheumatoid arthritis. This has led to an enormous interest in individualised nutrition as a basic therapy within the holistic framework of the treatment spectrum.

In addition, I recognized the profound importance of nutrition for the well-being of each person. With the right nutrition, we support our body in its ability to regenerate.


Therefore, it is a matter close to my heart to maximize the quality of life and the joy in life of my clients, through a diet adapted to their situation and circumstances.

For me, holistic nutrition therapy does not mean a specific diet, but an individualized form of nutrition intake, which acts according to the principle of enrichment instead of deprivation.


I would be very happy to accompany you on your way.


Yours Nicola Grzanna